Home » Cookie Management - Universal Pack
All the information about Universal Pack's cookie management. Typologies and how you can disable them directly from browser.
“UNIVERSAL PACK S.R.L.” with registered and operative head office in Via Vivare, 425 – 47842
San Giovanni in Marignano (RN), VAT number / Tax Code: 02209430400
Tel: 0541 – 955276
Email: info@universalpack.it
Cookies are text strings, that the website created by “UNIVERSAL PACK S.R.L.”, other websites or different web services (so-called “third-party”) arrange and file in the device through the browser (pc, smartphone or tablet), by which the user accesses the website to identify and recognize the device itself.
Cookies are used to allow the correct usability of the content on the visited website. Moreover, they can be used to track the navigation for statistical and advertising purposes, only with user’s prior consent. Some cookies are deleted when the user closes the pages of the browser (“session cookies”). However, other cookies are stored with variable storage times (“permanent cookies”), depending on the deadline set by the producers.
Our website uses different types of cookies, each of which has a specific function. We report here the categories as listed in the table below.
This type of cookies are needed to allow site navigation. For this purpose, they store the user’s expressed preferences, for example with regard to the graphic layout and language, log in and given consents for data processing. This cookie category allows the controller, and third parties, to gather aggregate and anonymous information about the use and the interaction with the website (i.e. number of visits and time spent on it, more visited pages, devices used for the visit, geographic area of the visitors) and to process statistics – even of data related to other website domains, mobile apps or websites, which can be traced back to the controller – intended to improve its contents.
They are managed by the controller of the website, or even by third parties, such as Google Analytics, to process and give the controller aggregate statistical analysis about the use and the interaction made by the user with the website. These cookies can identify the user.
This type of cookies is usually used by third-party companies to gather information about expressed preferences by the user during its browsing activity and to process reports intended to be used for targeted marketing and advertising campaigns, whose content can be repeated on other websites as well.
The use of these cookies allows to identify the user through ID and codes resulting from the configuration of the devices used and to trace back to it specific actions or recurring behavior patterns.
The user can set its preferences of the used browser in order to permanently disable cookies (until a different configuration will be set) – link to activate these functions below: Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookies
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it-IT&hlrm=fr&hlrm=en
Mozilla Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/it-IT/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
Apple Safari: https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/manage-cookies-and-website-data-sfri11471/mac
For further general information about the functioning and profiling techniques of the cookies, it is possible to visit EDAA’s website (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance) at the following link http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/.